A deal is a deal when the contract is signed and the money is in the bank, right? This does not sound very complicated but when it comes to selling your company it actually is. A lot of things need to happen before that money hits the bank and if you do not have an experienced and independent advisor next to you, you might well end up with less than the possible outcome. Wim advised us when selling Eyefreight and more-over guided us through the whole process from the strategy through to the signing and closing. A sale is like a bumpy road with a lot of obstacles. The guidance Wim gave on how to avoid the obstacles or how they could be dismantled was valuable. In that Wim also proved to us he is a good navigator that keeps concentrating on the outcome and managing the (often) complicated process.
January 2020 – Gert Jan Jansen op de Haar, Managing Director & Founder Eyefreight B.V.